
What Does No Limit Poker Mean

  1. What Does No Limit Poker Mean Google
  2. Texas No Limit Poker

No-limit meaning (poker) A poker game where bets and raises can be as large as the player is capable of making them. For example, a “$40 NL” game will mean no-limit hold’em with buy-in of exactly $40 — no more and no less — with blinds unstated but understood to be $1 and $2.

If you’re new to the world of poker, you’re probably confused by game descriptions often written just before the actual name of the game. These usually refer to the limit type of the game you’re about to play.

The three most popular limits are no limit, pot limit, and fixed limit. Let’s take a closer look at what these are and how to use them to get the most out of your poker session. Read on!

No Limit

No limit is the most popular limit-type in the world, as the majority of games are played with it. It’s usually Texas Hold ’em that is played in a no-limit environment. But what does that actually mean?

Essentially, no limit stands for the fact that there’s no upper limit to how much you can bet every time. Therefore, whenever you want to increase your betting amount, there’s no upper limit to how much you can increase it.

That’s why all-ins play a very important psychological and strategical role in no-limit games. This makes poker very exciting, especially when there are big stakes and big risks in a single hand. It’s also one of the main reasons why Texas Hold ’em became the most popular type of poker in the world.

Pot Limit

Pot limit games are games that do have an upper cap to how much you can bet, and that cap is determined by the amount of money that is in the pot plus additional bets made by other players.

Therefore, you cannot go all-in, but you still have some freedom to determine how much you can bet in a single hand.

It’s very important to approach pot limit carefully, as there are specific betting strategies in place that are completely different from the betting strategies of no-limit games.

Fixed Limit

What Does No Limit Poker Mean Google

Fixed limit is considered the most difficult of all games, as it gives the least freedom to how much you can bet. As a matter of fact, the amount you bet is always fixed. This is usually set in advance.


However, this doesn’t mean that there are no strategies in place here. You can still fold, call, bet or even raise. However, if you raise, you must rise by a fixed amount.

Therefore, you have to calculate carefully here how much is at stake every moment you play the game.

On the other hand, fixed limit games are least popular among players, as opposed to no-limit games. However, even active poker players who are into no limit love switching to fixed limits from time to time to broaden their horizons when it comes to poker and learning new strategies.

Which One Is The Right One for You?

There’s no final answer to which type of limit you should choose. They are all different and unique, and all require a completely different approach to betting and ultimately playing poker.

If you’re new to the world of poker, it’s only important that you start playing low or even micro stake games before you get into the swing of things.

Most of the new poker players start with no limit, and the majority stay there for the rest of their respective poker careers. However, what you should do is try all three types of poker and see which one you like the most. Only then can you ultimately choose one.


What you shouldn’t do at the start is to try to play and learn all three types at the same time, as this will only slow you down. Instead, try focusing on mastering one before switching to the other.


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Texas No Limit Poker

  1. Ernest Renan:

    As soon as sacrifice becomes a duty and necessity to mankind. I see no limit to the horizon which opens before him.

  2. Med Jones:

    American leaders created a system that allowed a free distribution of wealth and power. People leave their economic class and become richer regardless of their ethnic or national background. Therefore, despite having more diverse people in our society than any other nation, we have more stable national politics. If our elites try to limit the openness of the socioeconomic system, the system will be corrected in any number of forms including civic unrest. When Bush's administration invaded Iraq and bailed out Wall Street, the people brought in Obama. When Obama bailed out Wall Street again and considered raising the tax on the people, the system brought the Tea Party into power and the ruling party lost control of the Congress. People expressed their anger via peaceful elections.

  3. Barbara Millen:

    It's not like the sky's the limit.

  4. Matt Duss:

    It’s part of a broader effort to limit the political space, to constrict the freedom of opposing views.

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    The patience of Ecuador has reached its limit.